Your Wake-Up Call


Summer Breeze 2024: A Detox Reflection

detox health integrative health reflection Jul 23, 2024

This past week, we ran our Summer Breeze Detox. Along with Club Phoenix and twelve participants, I embarked on a week-long simple detox to refocus our health goals. When I planned out this detox, the goal was to keep it as accessible and straightforward as possible, allowing room for people to adjust the suggestions to their own level and needs. Seeing everyone jump in on this detox with such enthusiasm and curiosity warmed my heart, and seeing our results I now can say with confidence that there is magic in simplicity.

Detox Structure

Our detox plan was straightforward: we ate whole, plant-based foods, eliminated common inflammatory foods, reduced meat intake, engaged in gentle intermittent fasting, and kept our schedules simple. This holistic approach helped us reset our bodies and minds. I provided all participants with a comprehensive guidebook that included schedules, planners, journals, eating guidelines, and recipes.

Incorporating Self-Care

In addition to dietary changes, we incorporated self-care practices, mindful eating, and physical exercise. Each participant tailored their plan to meet their individual needs.

  • The Power of Self-Massage: One of the self-care practices I advocated for was the practice of Ayurvedic oil self-massage. Applying nourishing oil to the body each day is a great way to calm the nervous system and is a simple act of self-love. One of my participants raved about how much it helped her ground each day, and was a way for her to give that support for herself.
    • Simple, luxurious massage oil: Combine 4 oz of organic jojoba oil with 12 drops of sandalwood, 8 drops of rose otto or geranium essential oil. Mix well and apply a few pumps to the entire body each day.

My Personal Experiences with this Detox

Participating in the detox alongside my group was a rewarding experience. Having done kitchari cleanses before, I found this detox more easeful and enriching. It really does get easier each time, but with the flexibility of simplicity, it was particularly smooth. Each detox provides a health boost and valuable insights into my well-being, and I find that with each detox, I help bring greater clarity to my personal direction and open up new opportunities.

Transformation of Environment

During the detox, I realized the importance of creating physical space that fosters creativity and tranquility. I transformed my under-used herbal apothecary and workstation into a yoga and meditation space that aligns with my energy.

Because the way our days were structured, we cut our meal prep time to less than half of what it usually takes. All that extra time allowed me to put my attention to other areas of my life I wanted to focus on. One of these was reorganizing my office.

I’ve been recovering from a major knee injury for more than half a year now, and have finally reached a point where I can ramp up my physical training to an athletic level. I realized that my office space was cluttered – it hindered my thinking, and I became very aware of how much of my set-up was for work I no longer wanted to focus on.

When we aren’t filling our time with food, distractions, and social media, we are given the opportunity of space. Space in our minds to come up with new ideas, and physical space to move in new ways. After re-organizing, my office now has a corner for meditation, yoga, and physical training. Hooray!

Ironically, not only have I been using my wellness corner, but I have also doubled the amount of time I spend going to the gym and outside. An exponential boost from one simple shift!

Detox Takeaways

I am incredibly proud of my fellow participants for their dedication and effort. Each person had different goals and approaches, yet we all came together to improve our health and well-being. It was heartening to see everyone honor each other's journeys. Here are some of the takeaways from my group of detox warriors:

  • A deeper awareness of their relationship with food
  • The benefits of making time and space for self-care and exercise
  • A reduced dependency on their screen devices
  • The joy of eating in a peaceful environment
  • More space for joy, fun and discovery!

Upcoming Detox

I'm excited to announce our next detox, starting on October 23rd. This three-week program will offer participants the choice of continuing with the simple detox approach or opting for a more intensive regimen, including an Ayurvedic detox or a fast-mimicking diet. More details will be announced in early September.

  • Stay in the Loop: If you would like to jump in with us on our next detox, stay in the loop by signing up below for event updates leading up to October! I will be offering free info sessions, one-on-one consultations and more to help people get ready for the next one.


Reflecting on this Summer Breeze Detox, I am grateful for the opportunity to lead such a dedicated group. Each detox not only boosts our health but also fosters personal growth and community connection. I look forward to our next journey together!

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