Empowerment Quiz


Courses, Events & Community Offerings

Get a Taste of Our Thriving Culture

At Intrepid Wellness, we play a BIG game and we know that our sense of possibility is infectious. Join our online community, jump in on a challenge or workshop, or schedule an Ayurvedic Evaluation to get started on your revolutionary wellness journey. 

Start Your Holistic Healing Journey with a Comprehensive Ayurvedic Evaluation

Work closely with board-certified Ayurvedic Practitioner Valerie Beck in this highly comprehensive intake. Gain valuable insights and tools to transform your health with personalized recommendations tailored 100% towards your unique needs.

Learn More


Community is at the heart of Intrepid Wellness. Whether you're local or global, we have something for you!

Fall Retreat 2024

Self-Discovery & Creativity Retreat

Murrieta, CA, Sept 6-9, 2024

Book Now

Additional Resources

We get up to a lot of cool stuff! Check out more of what we have to offer below.

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