Your Wake-Up Call



I believe in staying bold in the face of obstacles, facing challenges head on.


I commit wholeheartedly to my own healing, orienting myself towards a life of purpose.


I stay curious about what lies beyond my own fears and limiting beliefs.

Hi, I'm Valerie!

My name is Valerie Beck, and I'm the driving force behind Intrepid Wellness and Club Phoenix. With an eclectic background as an educator, international traveler, hip-hop dancer, and holistic health practitioner, I know how it feels to struggle with finding your path in a world that often rewards the straight and narrow.

I’ve walked the winding road myself, and now, I’m here to stand for your growth and evolution—to help you hone your vision of who you want to become, align your actions with your values, and get you on a clear path towards vitality and fulfillment. If you're ready to stand for your own evolution, then I invite you to join me—because facing challenges is always easier together, and the journey is richer when we embrace it fully, with all its twists and turns.


My journey has been anything but straightforward. With roots in hip-hop dance, global exploration, and holistic health, I’ve lived the experience of feeling lost in a world that often values conventional paths. For years, I chased external validation—believing that relentless achievement was the key to self-worth. I excelled outwardly, but internally, I was running on empty, grappling with anxiety, depression, and burnout.

It wasn’t until I faced these challenges head-on, embracing the practices of Ayurveda, yoga, and personal movement, that I began to see the power within myself. I realized that my worth isn’t tied to accolades or external approval, but to the strength that comes from knowing and accepting myself fully.

Now, I stand before you, not just as someone who survived crippling low self-esteem and burnout, but as someone who’s thriving because I have transmuted my struggles into strengths. Through Intrepid Wellness and Club Phoenix, I’m dedicated to helping others find their path, align their lives with their values, and embrace the winding journey toward fulfillment. Because no matter where you are on your path, you deserve to grow, evolve, and live a life that resonates with your true self.

The Birth of Club Phoenix

As I emerged from my own journey through burnout and self-discovery, I realized that my experience wasn’t just about survival—it was about transformation. That’s when Club Phoenix was born, symbolizing the power of rebirth and rising stronger from the ashes of what once was. Through this community, I’m here to guide you in reclaiming your energy, reconnecting with your purpose, and realizing your unlimited potential. Together, we’ll navigate the path from burnout and lack of direction to a vibrant, empowered and supported life.

If my journey resonates with you, know that you’re not alone. Let’s walk this path of self-discovery and renewal together, and rise into the life we’re truly meant to live.

Discover Club Phoenix

More About Me 


With over two decades of combined experience in the realms of dance performance and education, international exchange, and holistic health, I bring to the table a mosaic of expertise and unique insight.

  • Southern California University of Health Sciences - Ayurvedic Practitioner​

  • California College of Ayurveda - Ayurvedic Health Counselor​

  • New York University - M.A. in International Education​

  • Northwestern University - B.S. in Human Development & Psychological Services​

  • Bhagavat Life - Ayurvedic Nutrition & Culinary Training Foundations

Recognition & Contributions

I've been featured on platforms like Voyage L.A., Indica Yoga and Dystopian Renaissance podcast where  I've advocated for the transformative power of cultural exchange and holistic health. With organizations such as One World Hip Hop, I've traveled internationally as Fulbright Arts Ambassador teaching hip hop dance, and as a teacher and artist have coordinated cultural exchange programs as a teacher for several years in Japan.

  • National Ayurvedic Medical Association Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Health Counselor

  • Classical Yoga Nidra Instructor 

  • CAMTC Certified Massage Therapist #93582

My Ayurvedic Consultations

Esther Weiler

Valerie set out a holistic practice of self-care, health & wellness care promoting care, guidance, knowledge, expertise, and dedication not only to wellness but to ME as an individual. And with dedication, loyalty and wanting to help myself, Valerie was the guide I needed to start this process of healing from the inside out. 

And with her skills and knowledge...this was just an extension of the services that supported my path to wellness and release the binds that needed to be released physically and mentally. Through this journey, I am forever grateful to Valerie and her practice for paving the way into a safe, comforting, and joyful path to living a more peaceful life in a very fast, challenging, chaotic and unbalanced world.

Gary Alexis

I met Valerie during a trying time in my life. Not a lot of guys will admit when they are hurting from a breakup and I was one of them...or so I thought. Valerie helped me realize that life happens just like the seasons. No matter what you do, you can't stop the rain or the snow or the heat or the water crashing unto the shore. You may be on top of the world one minute and all of a sudden you have no purpose within the blink of the eye. 

When you zoom out and take a step back, you see that there's power in what you CHOOSE to do every day and not what has happened in the past. You have the power to be present and that's where your mindset comes in. Having a coach like Valerie and people to help you along that journey is what makes you see clearly and change with the seasons and not against them. It will be challenging but as long as you have support within the ashes, you'll be just fine when you rise up again. 

Let's Connect

If you're ready to rekindle your passion without the fear of burning out, let's connect. My mission is to light the path back to your most vibrant self. So, are you ready to rise from the ashes? Join me at Club Phoenix, and let's embark on this journey together.

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